How do I start a conversation with my boyfriend about past relationships?


My boyfriend and I have been dating for a while now.
We talk a lot about the future and I think we have a chance at a great one ahead…I was just wondering how to go about talking to him about past relationships…like what went wrong, etc. to get a better understanding of him. How do you start this conversion? what would be considered “too nosy”? I don’t want to discuss intimate details but I just don’t want there to be any secrets or surprises in the future. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks

Category: asked March 13, 2015

2 Answers

You don't have to mention past relationships at all. Tell him that since you guys are talking about the future, you want to know things that could annoy him or get him upset because you want to be able to avoid doing those things in the future.
Pro tip: don't do it. It will kill that relationship slowly and painfully. It's incredibly tacky, to say the least. We want to know about your ex's like we want to catch AIDS. My last ex did that shit. Seriously, first time I went to her house it was "Don't sit there, I fucked my ex there. And there. And there too. Oh, and here's a 25-mile long list of dudes I had coitus with, including pictures and contact details." It's possibly the most annoying thing one can do in a relationship, so don't do it OP.