How do I sallow my nervousness


Hey everybody, I need some help (again). So tomorrow I really want to talk to my crush, who I believe likes me back but she is shy. And so the only time I can really talk to her is during lunch. So I have a couple of questions, the main one being, how can I sallow my nervousness and walk up to her lunch table in front of her friends and ask her if she can talk for a minute? Also, her best friend I am friends with and she I think wants to see us together, so should I enlist her help? Since she is in my homeroom. And finally, what should I do if she says no? Like that could be awkward or bad and such. Thanks for reading and helping me out everyone, you are all great!

Category: asked January 6, 2015

1 Answer

I think your idea of enlisting her best friend for help is a great idea! It certainly wouldn't hurt to ask her; she'll know your crush really well and can help you out a lot when it comes to talking to her and whatnot.It can be difficult to swallow the nervousness before you ask out someone you like; it's still something I have a really hard time with myself. Just keep yourself thinking positive thoughts and as soon as you feel like you can do it, don't hesitate, just do it. All it takes it just twenty seconds of blind courage to do what you need to do and say what you need to say.If you feel like you just can't do it yet, maybe wait and talk to her best friend and see if she has any advice to offer you. And if you're super nervous to talk to her in front of all her friends, maybe that mutual friend can arrange a way for the two of you to talk without all of them around.If she does say no when you ask her, just let her know that there are no hard feelings. And yeah, it will possibly be awkward at first, but all things heal with time, and sooner or later that feeling of awkwardness will go away. Just put the pros and cons together in your head (or maybe on paper). Is she worth the risk?Good luck! Feel free to contact me if you need anything~