How do I make the next move?


I am in an online relationship with a boy I really like. We have sent quick kisses and hugs over *virtually of course* and have virtual tickle fights and crap like that… And I know it is silly but how do I make the next move?

Category: asked November 5, 2013

3 Answers

I've been through this recently and to be honest, it's a really hard position to be in. It isn't silly, I've been there... just say how you feel! As long as you guys have the conversations of best friends, it's something, right? If you find yourself thinking about him a lot, tell him! Literally just tell him whatever comes to mind and whatever you're feeling, to some extent, of course. It sounds ultra cheesy but it's the best you can do in such a situation and I hope you guys work out well :)
this type of relationship is always going to be complicated especially if you have no way of physically being together so you should just be fearless and go for it.
idk its complicated but say i love you all the time