How do I make myself more social?


I can’t seem to talk to people I just get super nervous and end up plugging my headphones in to block everything out. How should I get over the need to do that?

asked February 2, 2014

3 Answers

well its not so compulsory to blend in everywhere so firstly stop being so anxious. u do have your own personality, so if u find any conversation interesting and u have an input, u can say it and the conversations continue. again, its not necessary to barge into anything if u r not comfortable. ultimately nothing else matters. weather u r social or introvert or people magnet. only thing that matters is how much YOU enjoy living, its your life after all. so u dont HAVE to do anything unless u r comfortable. chill.
My advice would be to push yourself. It's very difficult, but the more you force yourself into social situations, the less sensitive you are to them. I find it very difficult to be around large groups of people, especially those I don't know. This summer I had to train to be an RA at my college, and it involved a week-long training session where all we did were ice breakers with fellow RA's. To some people that would be fun, but to me it was a nightmare. I cried and was constantly dreading each moment of socialization, but I pushed myself and I grew from it. It's never easy and it might not get 100% better, but it does get easier. As do all things with practice.
Practice, start off by talking to the cashiers at stores and then start talking to random people and make new friends.Trust me it works, I went through the same thing. :)