How do I learn to tolerate people I don’t like?


I can honestly say I don’t like the majority of my family I can’t just talk to them about it and move on from our problems because it just makes it worse. I don’t like how they live, I hate their personalities, how they treat me. I don’t have enough money to move out. How can I learn to tolerate them without stressing myself out. causes it stress me living with them.

asked September 14, 2014

2 Answers

Unfortunately you kind of have to tolerate your family, and if it is really super bad, and you can't talk to them because it just gets worse then I would suggest maybe talking to a friend. A lot of times it can help to just find a friend and get out all of your feelings and just rant to them. They don't even have to answer sometimes it just helps to get it out there and not have it bottled up. Or if you don't have a friend available at the moment you could just write down all of your thoughts on a piece of paper and then either keep it to look back at or rip it up and never think about it again. I think if you try that it could help and if not then maybe just try getting involved with your family more. You can't change their personalities because that's who they are, but you could learn some stuff about them that you do like. Hope I helped.
One thing I could suggest is to talk to them about how they make you feel.

If it is really bad then I would suggest to be extremely kind to them no matter what. Always respond to the negativity with something positive. This takes time, but it can work and I've seen it work. You have to be patient.

Another approach is to get involved in positive activities where you are not around your family all the time. Some are free, some cost money, but they are out there.

Last, you can always talk to someone, like a friend or counselor to help you with this difficult time. Someone mentioned to journal which is helpful.

Remember, it is temporary. that is the most important part. One day, you will be out of there and you can choose whether or not they can be a part of your life. I believe your "true family" are the people that love you and treat you right and bring out the best in you. Find those people and make them a part of your life!

Best of luck!