How do I know if I love my boyfriend?


How do I know if I love my boyfriend, or if I love the idea of having a boyfriend? I’m fifteen, and we’ve been talking for around 8 months now, and we’ve recently started dating. I’ve liked him for a long time; most of the time we’ve been talking. However, there’s times when I’m not sure if I just like the idea of being in a relationship (this is my first one), or not. He makes me unbelievably happy, and he always puts me in a better mood after we’ve met up, but I often get confused and probably think about it too much and overcomplicate things.

Category: asked November 19, 2013

4 Answers

Trust me when I say, you'll know. I've had my fair share of relationships and I would get so emotionally involved I was always so entirely certain it was love. But after every relationship, I'd realize there had always been something missing. Even if you can't identify it now, because you're excited at the thought of being in love, you'll be able to tell when it is and when it isn't. Let it come naturally, don't ever rush anything like love :) This is your first relationship, so just relax, have fun, and focus on your happiness! There is nothing wrong with just having a crush on someone, those can be the cutest relationships. So no worries my dear!
There's something called infatuation. It's basically the attraction to passion, rather than a person. For example, if you are infatuated, you are addicted to all the lovey dovey things in the relationship (holding hands, kissing, flirting). If this is what you like most about the relationship, then you are most likely in love with the idea of a boyfriend. If you really enjoy spending time with him doing other things (ex playing games, eating, just talking) then you might really love each other. What me and my boyfriend do is make sure we spend time just chilling, like cooking together, doing homework together, even talking about movies and stuff, without all the flirty physical stuff. Then, we know we really do love each other, not just the physicalities of the relationship. Ask yourself, if you stopped flirting, kissing, hugging, would you still want to be with him? If yes, then you are most likely in love with him.
I met my first boyfriend when I was 15 - and I found it to be an awesome experience I don't wish to take back. Even if you both are not togther forever, what you will learn about defining relatonsips and about yourself is worth the growing experience. Just remember he's not the only guy out there, and use protection. My best friend had a kid at 16.
I'd say give it more time. I know you've been talking for a while but you only just started dating. You'll discover in time what your true feelings are.