how do I handle my anxiety attacks?


My anxiety attacks have been getting worse! I start shaking and I feel sick. Help!

Category: Tags: asked April 8, 2014

3 Answers

my girl get's really bad anxiety attacks at times. what helps is when i tell her to breath slowly, and i breathe with her. give this a try. not only will you be steadying your oxygen intake, but you will also be forcing yourself to concentrate on a rhythmic task, which is similar to meditation, and it will help you relax. don't think about anything else but your breathing. breathe in, hold your breath for "one one thousand" then breath out. . "two one thousand" keep it as mechanical as possible. give it a try next time you have a panic attack and message me with the results because i'd like to know if this helped you. good luck!
Just breathe. I tell myself that over and over and it usually helps. The last couple times I started having an anxiety attack I looked around the room and picked one thing. And then I started describing that thing. I found that doing that in between taking deep breaths really really helps. Focusing on other things such as breathing or describing a random object takes your focus off the anxiety attack and then without you really noticing it goes away. I hope this helps c: and if you ever need anything feel free to message me!
Hello♥ I have anxiety attacks too :[ it feels exreme hard to control them but as you get used to them and familiarise yourself with them In order to get rid of them, things get better c: ♥ try to eelax and distract yourself and focus on your breathing. Try meditating at home and remember all the things you have to do in order to relax yourself or go outside and breathe in the fresh air. The most important thing is to find out the trigger of them and know and understand how to deal with it next time the same thing occurs. Things will get better ♥♥