How do I go about this?


I’ve been dating this guy for a really long time now and lately things have been getting really rough. I have tried many different things but nothing ever seemed to work, not even the things he told me would help his problems with how we were working. I live about two and a half hours away from him, not too far, and see him every two weeks from late Friday night to about dinner time Sunday. The two of us have always fought over stupid things, but the fights are getting worse and more serious. It has now gotten to the point where I cannot trust him with anything because he constantly lies. He goes behind my back all the time to talk bad about me and a lot of people keep telling me that he has been with many other girls and picked up drugs. I know the easy way would be to leave him, but he means more to me than anything else ever has. And even after thinking about this relationship multiple times, I still want it and he has said the same thing. I want to know how I can get him to stop lying, stop treating me poorly, and start showing he cares before it gets too late. I know it’s up to him to do, but is there anything I can do to fix this falling relationship?

Category: asked February 11, 2014

1 Answer

Since the problems are on his end, no, you can't do anything to fix any of this. No amount of love or affection is going to make him suddenly think "Wow, I have a great thing with this girl. I should stop being a jerk."

He is the only one who can change himself, and I understand that it is hard, but you have to take care of yourself, and in love or not, you cannot allow yourself to make the mistake of staying with someone who is abusing drugs.

The only power you have is to tell him that he has to choose between the drugs and you, and if he lies to you and continues doing the drugs, then you have your answer beyond a shadow of a doubt.

There is no happy and butterflies-and-rainbows solution to this problem. You have a hard decision to make; stay with a burgeoning drug addict, or leave the person you're in love with. In the end, you cannot force him to change. You can only tell him what will happen if he does not.