How do I give him signals without being blunt or looking desperate?


I am in love with someone, but I can’t flat out tell him. He’s currently in the military and I’m still in school, but not for long. I’ve told him before that I like him, but since then we have both been through crazy things, him graduating and joining the military, while I’ve had a couple of bad breakups. I really want to tell him that I still like him, but I don’t know how to give off signals rather than tell him. Any help?

Category: Tags: asked March 3, 2015

3 Answers

Well just slowly hint him. Maybe be a tad flirty with him and talk about how much you enjoy talking to him, or praise him for the good qualities in him. Just slowly work up the fact that you like him and at some point in time, you might have to be a little blunt. Confessing feelings when the time is right is a sure way to win the heart of anyone.
I agree. If it is meant to be, it will. You can't rush it, just take it slow.
Don't hint. Just tell him. Think about this in a forward perspective; to form a healthy relationship, it must be built on trust and communication. Be bold and be unafraid; both of telling him your feelings and of his possible rejection. Once those two fears have no hold over you, you'd be surprised at how much better you feel; life can be amazing without living under fear.