How do I get past my heartbreak?


I should know better. When I was 29 and got my heart broken for the first time, it took me a long time to realize that I had to cut all contact with him to really move on. I got into another relationship almost 2 years later, and it was great. Except we broke up 6 weeks ago. He says he needs time to think, and that we will revisit our situation in a few months. But this is agony. The problem is, even if I give up the hope that in a few months we will get back together, we are still tied, and there is really no way to get him out of my life. There is still going to be occasional contact. But when it happens, like it did yesterday, I get anxious, and I immediately break down into tears and have to leave so no one sees it. I don’t know what to do. How do I keep my composure? How can I move on?

Category: Tags: asked February 23, 2014

3 Answers

I'm going to play the devil's advocate here since you've already had two wholesome by the book answers that while you know they're right, and probably knew the answer but just didn't like it, they repeated back to you. You should focus on yourself, like they said, but know this: If you're really good at focusing on yourself and make it look like you're not broke up about it at all, many times your ex will wonder what's up and come back. Not always, but sometimes. As they say, the best revenge is to live life and live well. Not that you're out for revenge, but it will work in your favor either way. Everyone hates it when they find out their ex from high school has gotten married and is rich while you're still broke and single. Be that ex. Exude confidence, and you'll either attract someone way better than he ever was, or make him wonder why he broke up with you in the first place.
I know your probably going to hate this answer , but time. Time will help, which yes sucks , I know it took me almost 6 months to get over my first heart break, but you also have to realize that if he's wanting to take a break , maybe it's just not ment to be, which means you have to keep looking. Which isn't fun, until you find the right one. And if you can for awoke , try not to see him, if it's possible, at least for awile, so you can give your self some time to try and get him off your mind , try and focus on other things that make you happier, and I know hanging out with friends helps me. I don't know if this will help at all, but I hope it did at least a little. I wish you the best <3 good luck
Try focusing on yourself for awhile, keep yourself busy. Find ways to get your mind off of everything that's going on around you that involves him. Slowly but surely, time will heal all wounds. 3 years ago when my first love broke up with me, i found out he left me for another girl. I was so hurt & thinking about him made it worse. It took me a year to finally get over him & within that time, i usually focused on myself & things that could benefit me in the near future. I would write my feelings down in a journal & usually that really helped. The journal was something that you could vent to & it's that one thing that wouldn't judge you or make you think otherwise of what you wrote down. Maybe you could try that. "I should know better" No, don't say that about yourself. Throughout your life you will meet several people & realize that things won't work out between the two of you. I shouldn't tell you things that you already know, don't give up just yet. This is just how life is & eventually you'll find that one person. (: I always think of it as one step closer to being with that person that's meant for me. I know it hurts to think of him, but talking to him won't help you move on. You need to avoid talking to him & keep yourself busy. Focus on work, school, or taking on extra tasks to keep your mind off of things that are stressing you out. I hoped this helped!