how do i get an ex bestfriend back if we both have too much pride to apologize first?



asked December 1, 2014

6 Answers

The short answer- get over it. Just do it. Get it over with. What is more important to you- Who started it or your best friend? Your pride or your friendship? Obviously this friendship is important to you otherwise you wouldn't be asking. You just have to swallow your pride and get in there and tell them that you value their friendship and don't want to lose them- or else you just might. It doesn't matter who did what because most of the time, it really doesn't. Time to move on and get your friend back. x
Oh, I misread the question as "get back AT", you have my sincere apology for the misunderstanding.

As far as reconciling with your friend, part of growing up is learning how to be the bigger person, learning how and when to set aside your pride and recognize that there are times when everyone is wrong, and petty feelings should not come between an otherwise good friendship.

The Wizard's Third Rule states that "Passion Rules Reason, for better or worse." and this warns us to apply forethought to our actions and to never react out of emotion. A harsh tongue is easier slipped than a reasoned and rational response. Because it is so easy to lose control over our emotions, it makes it all the more important to work to control them.

Sit down and think about the conflict, remind yourself of how it went and see if you can bring yourself to take a deep breath and choose the friendship over the fight. Would your life be better by staying in this stalemate or would you be happier by making up with your friend?

If you would like to discuss this any further, my inbox is always open.
Apologize first doesn't mean it's my fault. It just mean I treasure the friendship a lot. And I sincerely hope she gets it. ^^ End the torture. It might gets a little awkward but it'll be fine. :>
Show you're the bigger person and apologize, admit the wrongs in what happen and hopefully you both get over it. :)
i think you should apologize first as a guy i know its intimidating to make the first crucial move.
i literally just went through this. You obviously miss them, i had to swallow my pride and apologize even though i felt as if i did nothing wrong. Because that is what you do for people you love Maybe you will just have to do the same. It will all work out for the best:)