How do I fix things with a good friend?


A good friend of mine has been telling me a lot lately about another girl who’s hurt her a lot. She insisted that she had the situation under control, but when the other girl sent me a message today I decided to address the matter myself. I really don’t like confrontation, so I’m shaking hard, but I got it done and she promised to cut all ties with me.
Then I got word that she went running to my friend, and that she’s so upset about what I said, and that my friend is comforting her. I’m confused and hurt and I don’t know what to do, because I feel like I hurt my friend. Any advice on the matter would be much appreciated.

Category: Tags: asked March 10, 2014

1 Answer

You should talk to your good friend, the one whom you were trying to stand up for. Tell her that you only confronted the other girl because you didn't like the girl hurting her. Then, perhaps if you would like, you could also talk to the other girl and explain why you confronted her -- not necessarily to apologize, but to at least explain the situation and maybe get her to tell you why she was hurting your friend.If these girls are your friends (or even just the one), don't give up on them! Don't let them walk away. Fight to keep their friendship and make up with them -- you've got nothing to lose!