How do I deal with all this stress?


I’m getting so stressed out now that I’m a junior in High School. I am trying very hard to maintain high grades, plus I’m in drama and vocal ensemble. also, my parents are stressing me out. I don’t know what to do anymore.. I never want to do anything anymore because I’m always so exhausted. It’s upsetting my friends and family because I’m so stressed. What do I do?

Tags: asked November 7, 2013

3 Answers

Well I think that your friends and parents should understand what you are going through right now. Can you talk with them and let them know your concerns? If they care about you ,I think they can offer some advice. There is a lot of pressure on high school students and keeping it bottled up inside will only exasperate your stressful mood. I hope you can find the time to reach out to those close to you.
I suggest you take a time out. E.g. take a bath, listen to music, do yoga, exercise, watch a movie, go out with friends, basically anything to take your mind off the stress. Make sure to keep things balanced and organised. It seems like your doing a lot of things at once and your not balancing your time out properly - you should keep a diary or journal to schedule things that need to be done. Space these out so that you don't have too much things to do in one day. Also, write reminders, if it seems like your forgetting a lot of things do it because it helps you remember but also not burdening you because you don't have to actually remember since you've written it down. Also, avoid studying late at night because it is probably the main factor why your so tired all the time. Talk to your family about the reason why your stressing and maybe they can help your out. So, look, everyone feels stressed at some point in their lives so just remember - keep a schedule, sleep at least 8 hours, exercise daily (even just a little), be more organised and eat healthy. Btw you can talk to me anytime if you want, if there's anything else :) Good luck.
I am kind of stressed with all of these things on my plate and no time for some things I really need, so what I like to do it find healthy ways to realease the stress. Such as singing, drawing, sleeping, taking a bath, listening to music, etc. somewhere where no one can bother you or remind you of your stress. It is hard and the worst way to let it out to me is at your parents or friends as if you are yelling at them, but one way that isn't bad it talking about your concerns and not getting angry all the time. That is what I find hard to do is not get in a bad mood, but if you try then you forget and have a great time with whatever or whoever. Just realease you stress is a way that doesn't harm your self or anyone around you. Stay strong