How do I cope with gender dysphoria with dancing?


I’ve got prom in two weeks. I’m a trans man, getting close to a year post-op, over two years on hormones, but of course I still get dysphoria. I used to be just fine with dancing, but recently it’s been making my dysphoria pretty bad. However, I really don’t want to let it ruin my or my girlfriend’s prom. I’m bringing my camera to the pictures for comfort so I don’t panic ahead of time. Once I get to the dance, I have a friend who knows me well who’s keeping an eye on me and has no problem with walking out and sitting down somewhere if I need to take a break. Is there anything else I can do ahead of time to help me prep myself and make myself more comfortable? I was thinking possibly dance lessons with a friend or my gf?

Category: Tags: asked April 14, 2014

1 Answer

You called it pretty well. The dance lessons are a fantastic idea. Take lots of pictures!