How could a father even do this to his daughter?


So my girlfriend had a big argument with her dad last night and came in to school with a number ’1′ on her first thumb joint. That means it’s been 1 night since she last self harmed. So I catch a glimpse later on of two thick, crude red gashes straight across her wrist atop the tens of older ones.

So the fight was about her dating. Her dad doesn’t like it, which is his right. It’s almost even his right to stop it. However, he was cursing at her and yelling at her and making her feel weak. He couldn’t back his argument up when she asked him to, and eventually he stormed out of the house. She’s not seen him since.
I’m having a fairly busy week. I don’t screw about with schedules. She can come over whenever she wants, she’s welcome here, but if I’m not around there’s nothing I can do about that because my mind doesn’t like being late. I make exceptions for her all the time which I’m mildly annoyed by but it’s what she needs and it’s only a little bit of annoyance in comparison to leaving her alone and depressed so I do it because it’s better. Anyways, that and my current lack of phone until tomorrow evening is causing some communication and time-together issues for the next couple of days.

But I mean, I just don’t understand how someone can be so messed up that they do that to their own daughter. I don’t get why he thinks that this is okay.
Can someone please help me understand what makes him think he’s in the right so I can help her out?

Category: asked July 7, 2014

3 Answers

I sometimes have the same problem due to me being an only child and my dad constantly being over protective.There was definitely no need for the extras-cursing,shouting and making his daughter feel weak,but it's how he reacts when he's frustrated he doesn't know what to do because all he wants is her to be happy.But in this current situation he's the reason she's unhappy , she self harmed because of him and that's...not right. My advice would be to get you altogether somehow,get yourself some free time and meet up with your girlfriend and her dad.Talk it out and make him see that you are a good person and will take care of his beloved daughter no matter what. Good Luck:)
one word fear, fear of losing his daughter. but for the life of me Frank Herbert explains it best in Dune “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." when a person is afraid they often lose logic and react emotionally. Even if it has the exact opposite effect of what they want.
Parents have an urge to control everything that their kids do,they want to make sure that everything goes their way or no way,whilst others try to adjust to the needs of their offsprings. In this case,otherwise.If her father asks her to certain things,she should try to adjust what she wants for what he wants.He wants nothing but the best for her and that's why he does what he does. Even though cursing and all other actions are absurd,that's the way that he talks and you can never change an old man's thoughts.