How can I get noticed?


Hi, so, I want my crush to notice me. I’m not that confident of myself, and shyness always gets in my way. The reason for my low self esteem? I’m not that skinny, and I think I’m ugly because I’m not that skinny. So there.

Category: asked January 9, 2014

4 Answers

Hello Ian, and thank you for sharing your feelings with us.

Nobody ever timidly stumbled their way into any kind of success. If you want to get ahead, you're going to have to bolster your sense of self-worth, find things about yourself that you like, and learn to appreciate yourself as you continue to grow.

It is the reliability that comes with confidence that is infinitely more attractive than any figure or clothes or jewelry.

Please keep in contact and let us know how things are going in your life. Always remember that you matter, and you are not alone.
I agree with Jonathan. I think having more self-confidence would be great for you. You'll need to find a way to build self-confidence. You could try googling 'building self-confidence' or 'building self-confidence about my appearance' however some of it may sound cheesey, it could help. But I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how far you can go once you are more confident about yourself. Maybe some motivation to work out would help too. Maybe thinking of you and your crush together is good motivation to work out. Best of luck to you!
Try finding a common interest, activity, hangout or friend. Sometimes trying to be noticed has the opposite effect or make you look needy/desperate. Play it cool.
Thank you. :)