How can I get my dad to stop smoking?


Okay so about 2 and a half years ago, my sick grandpa came to live with us and he was basically a vegetable so my dad was under a lot of stress taking care of him, so he started smoking again (he was able to quit once) and it stresses me out a lot because I can’t help thinking it’ll end up killing him eventually.
Also he’s a firefighter, how ironic is that?
We recently went on vacation to Ontario, and on the second day, he was trying to sympathize with me that beating cravings is hard since I like to drink Pepsi so much. So I decided I would go the remaining 12 days of the vacation without a single carbonated beverage!
But all the while, I was still worrying that maybe what I was doing wouldn’t change anything and he would just keep on doing it.
So when we landed in the airport back home, we were leaving with our luggage and he started drifting off to a building corner so that was when I planned on telling him how I had gone 12 days without pop.
Of course, being the soft shell taco that I am, I immediately started crying.
My dad’s girlfriend (who also smokes) immediately rushed to my side and was repeatedly asking me what was wrong and what she could do to help, and I mumbled, “stop smoking.” And she said “that’s what this is all about?? Alright, I will work together with your dad and we will quit together.”
I felt like a million bucks, and Dad told me he had 2 packs left and then he’d be done and that he was proud of me and then we drove home.
We got home on the 29th of August, and it is now the 13th of September and he is still buying cigarettes. I’m pretty sure his girlfriend is still smoking, too.
I found a pack on his workbench in the garage, so I hid them in the basement. When he got home from work, he noticed they were missing and asked me about them. I was shocked that he would so openly admit to me that he was still buying cigarettes. I even asked him, “why are you still buying them?” and he responded with, “I asked you a question.” I feel like a child, told lies just to calm me down in the moment. I’m worried about how many more emotional breakdowns of mine it will take to get him to see it’s killing me. What can I say or do to get him to stop?

Category: Tags: asked September 13, 2014

3 Answers

First of all, you have one major problem, it's called freewill. Unfortunately, you can't get him to do anything if he doesn't want to.

However, I'm sure he loves you and probably would like to quit. Or maybe he has tried 1000 times and has given up trying. There could be a lot of reasons.

I recommend communicating how much it hurts you to see him smoke. I would give him information on how it hurts him and the people around him (especially if he smokes around kids - 2nd hand smoke kills). Last, give him resources to get help. There are a lot of alternatives to help you quit. Do the research and present it to him.

Finally, I have struggled with some serious addictions. The most difficult one for me to beat, believe it or not, was smoking. I haven't smoked in 11 years.

So, you can only do so much. After that, you have to let go. I love that you care so much and that is great! But don't let it destroy you and your relationships.

There's a quote, "We missed the beauty and reality of the forest because we were diverted by the ugliness of some of its trees." We do this with relationships. We focus on the problems and miss out on a lot of the good times. So, sometimes we just need to accept and focus on all the good that is still there to enjoy.

I pray that he does quit and that you all move to a healthier and loving place!

Good luck to you! Take care!
Tell him EXACTLY how you FEEL ABOUT IT. A dad will do ANYTHING to fix his child's heart.
As a smoker myself, I know how hard it is to quit and even if your dad really wants to, he might have some difficulty. Try to talk to him calmly. Explain how you feel about this and tell him that you're worried and why exactly you want to him to stop smoking. Maybe look up ways to quit smoking online and help him find a way that suits him best.