How can I get him to understand


Me and my boyfriend have been dating for almost a year. We really do have a furture together for sure he’s the perfect guy for me. We just started high school and I’ve already had guys and girls hit on me many times and we’ve only gone to school 3 days Rn. I kiss Devon (my boyfriend) in frount of people so maybe they’ll back off but it’s not working. I want to explain to him what’s going on and what I want him to do which is pull me into a deep kiss and grab my ass in frount of everyone. Hes a very shy boy we didn’t have our first kiss until 3 months. Just recently I gave my first and he received his first hand job and we made out for the first time so he’s not scared in frount of me he’s scared infeount of the other people plus it doesn’t help last time I kissed him his bestfreind walked up and told us to get a room. How can I explain what I want to him and actually get him to do it

Category: Tags: asked August 15, 2015

1 Answer

What I understand is that your boyfriend don't want to show how much he love you in front of others. Take him for dinner and express all the feelings and tell him whatever you want to tell him. Make sure that the environment should be cool and calm. Tell him what problem you are facing,how you manage when other boys hit on you. I am sure he will understand that he has to protect you and he will love you in front of others also to prove that 'yes he is there for you'. And then other boys will back off.