how can I deal with the stress of exams?


my exams are making me really stressed, ive found im scratched my hair raw in some areas with stress and my insomnia has got a lot worse

Category: asked May 29, 2014

1 Answer

Exams are not the sole existence of you. It's important to remember that these exams are not going to make or break you as a person. I try to manage my time when exams are coming up and try to take breaks while I'm studying. If I can't focus, I take a walk or remove myself for a change of scenery. You can group up with some classmates or friends to work together through the exam phase- even if you're not in the same class, sometimes it's helpful to know that there are others in a similar situation as you. There isn't a right or wrong way to go about dealing with exams but mapping out what you need to do in the amount of time you have to do it can help manage some of the stress of it all.