How can I deal with my anxiety when it hits me at night and I feel unsafe, uncomfortable & stressed?


Please help me, I feel like this right now, has anyone got any strategies, I’m so tired but I can’t sleep cause I feel uncomfortable and unsafe

Category: Tags: asked January 3, 2014

4 Answers

Get a notebook and start writing about it. Or write about anything that hits me. Somehow I unravel what it is that's causing the stress this way. And you will see for yourself, that you will lead yourself to some form of answer or acceptance to things that are beyond your control. Or if you would rather pray, then you can pray for things that you want to turn out well. You can ask for strength and guidance and everything else you think you need. Just know that later, "unanswered" prayers are answers by themselves, if you could look at it from another angle. If you need to wake up early the next day, maybe prayer would suffice. You can do so too at any time right? I think it doesn't have to be obvious to people around that you are praying. You can pray with eyes open and no matter how brief. Other than that, talking to other people seems to do wonders too. You get a lot of strength when you get out of yourself and find yourself reaching out to help another human being. Personally, I sometimes drown myself in entertainment. Like movie marathons. But it doesn't help me as much as quiet time in prayer or writing my thoughts down.. anyway, hope you will find what works for you. Goodluck.
To prevent anxiety at night, the most important thing to do is to NOT lie in bed and try to fall asleep. Get up and do something else, in another room, until you are truly sleepy. This way you can reduce negative thinking and anxiety out of your bed room..
Try distracting yourself by watching Netflix or listening to music. My best friend talks to people online if neither of those are working, so maybe that would help as well!
Try listening to music, writing in a journal or exercising; anything o distract you. Once that works get into a routine as to what you do at specific times and try to have a set time you go to bed & get a least 8 hours. If possible try not to nap in the days so you are tired in the nights. Good rest helps calms the anxiety.