How can I deal with bottled up emotions?


Hey everyone.
This is actually my first time using this site, and I was wondering how can I deal with bottled up emotions? I’ve been hurt a lot, and I’ve lost many friends simply because they forget about me, or they’re too busy with their own lives. The only friends I consider real friends are the ones I play with online. I’m always thinking about the hurtful things people have said, or done to me, and I slowly keep losing hope for a relationship. The main person who really makes me happy is my ex even though I know he and I will never get back together. I’m happy we’re friends, but I really miss being with him which is causing all of my emotions to become bottled up. I can’t tell him because 1. He has a girlfriend, and 2. I don’t want to make things awkward. I’m at the point where I feel like I have no one to talk to anymore simply because I feel I bother them. Another thing that bothers me is how I have little to no control over my life. My mom controls everything. So, I don’t get to do much. Also, I wasn’t sure which category to put this under.

Category: asked August 25, 2014

3 Answers

Hello LoneWolf welcome to the site, I hope the people here can help you in any way we can and you enjoy us. My name is Ben if you need anything you can just message me. Anyway, when I have bottled emotions it depends. If I have anger I would suggest working out, or doing something physical, maybe get a punching bag and punching that. For sadness sometimes I do work out, however I find a good solution is just listening to uplifting music and sometimes crying and just letting it out. If I am frustrated I usually do work out and try to do things that I can control and make myself feel better. And always try to do things you love to do. This is what I do, it may not work for everyone, hopefully this helps though. Welcome again.
Hi, hello stranger. My advice would be to write down what you are feeling or what you want to say to your ex or give advice to yourself from the future, maybe in the form of a letter. Just vent on paper and go back to it after some time. If being just friends with your ex is difficult, maybe you should keep some distance or if this is not an option, tell him the truth, what if he feels the same way? If not, you know you have to move on. Or you can keep fighting same thoughts and feelings by escaping into working out, gaming, music, books, studying, whatever - just to keep your mind off troublesome thoughts. I don't know how to deal with your mother, how is she controlling you? Talk to her or find a way to be more in control of your life. When i used to feel trapped by the pressure from my parents and overall dissatisfaction of life, i started running and it became a way to cope. Whenever i felt anxious, angry, hopeless, i went for a run, it was almost cleansing. ok, sorry for the long text. Good luck!
Thank you for the suggestions! As for my mom controlling me, I will give a couple of examples. Example 1: Nowadays when she gives me money, she will tell me how to spend it. If she doesn't tell me how to spend it, and I spend on something I enjoy (which is video games), she will get mad at me. Example 2: When I was college searching a couple years ago, I told her I wanted to go to New York. She got mad at me, and told me that she wouldn't help me with the college application fees. New York has all the best schools for the career I'm trying to pursue. So, I was basically forced to attend school nearby. Example 3: When I was 16, I was constantly asking her to teach me how to drive so I can get my license. Every time she said no. So, now that I really need a license, I'm pretty much screwed because I can't drive myself to class, and I have no way to get there. So, I haven't been able to attend school for a while. I'm pretty much sheltered.