How can a person have a self- esteem with negative people around them?


people abuse you physically and emotionally but you cant say anything cause so many people are gonna hurt or they might not believe to what im saying.

Category: asked May 18, 2014

6 Answers

you simply cant have self esteem with negativity all around you. you need to let thm go
you shouldn't listen to them,just ignore whatever they're saying,there opinion doesn't matter at all,what really matters is what you think about yourself
try to avoid such people.. if you can join groups who aren't so negative.. it's for your own good.. that will increase your confidence levels.. it will take time but it's for your own well being
Say fuck you to those people and find friends who love you for you and aren't always down on you
Surround yourself with positive people. It helps to find a community of people who have a common interest with you, since then you can discuss the same passion. Some people do hurt others, but as soon as you find out they do, you remove that negativity from your life. You define your own happiness.
It's very difficult to let go of negative people, especially when you're young, because sometimes you feel like YOU'RE the bad guy for "ditching them." This isn't the case! Surrounding yourself with positive people is all about self-preservation, and that is the number one thing you should be thinking about in your life. It may be hard, but eliminating negative people out of your life is something that needs to be done. I did it, and I feel so much better. It's about QUALITY not QUANTITY.