how am I supposed to function?


So I met this girl online we liked eachother, and before you know it, I’m driving down to Florida to see her. Things didn’t work out, she didnt want a long distance relationship, she wanted to just be friends. It was hard at first, but I’m oddly happy with that now. Anyway, I’m pretty sure the only reason I was able to start and maintain that relationship (before we decided to just be friends) is because it started and was maintained through a computer screen, and over the phone and text messages. I’m 16, I have zero self-confidence or social skills. How am I supposed to have any relationships, am I supposed to just wait until I’m old enough for online dating? I know i definitely have some form of social anxiety, coupled with a lack of a sense for any social norms or ques, I don’t know what I am supposed to do. I’d like to have SOME experience with dating before college so the rest of my life. I’m not looking for some long-term treatment for my issues, I’m just wondering if any of you out there have discovered any tricks for circumventing your social awkwardness.

Category: asked January 6, 2015

3 Answers

You are supposed to just be a human-being--as in a human, just being, just living, just putting one foot in front of other. At 16 this is a age to hone your social skills, to practice, practice, practice. Few of us are good socializing at 16--so give yourself a break. And congratulate yourself that you ARE trying.Find groups to join, perhaps. Take a public speaking class--push your boundaries. Find a 'ToastMasters' in your town--that's good training for talking. What are your interests? Join a club, or volunteer somewhere--that's really good because not only are you helping someone else, you are helping yourself as you do so. And girls at 16--are fickle and short-sighted mostly.So just concentrate on you...being the best you that you can be. I can't say when but sometime down the road some girl will see you!
I'm the same way! haha but you know as long as your friendly and genuine and you care about people, then most people will sense it and like you, but you shouldn't worry about being awkward Kuas right just live your life. Maybe being awkward is part of your charm maybe it makes you more relate-able and a better person. What I'm saying is its ok you will find that special someone before you know it, in fact forget about it and just be young....besides who says your future wife won't be just as awkward. You can both talk about how much you guys are awkward turtles together awww that actually seems really sweet and cute! Good luck and stay strong
Tricks for circumventing your social awkwardness? Haven't found any to this day... And I've kind of been around the block a bit ;-)

After leaving college and living life as an adult... I'm quite thankful that I did. I'm glad I waited to find someone great before I had a real relationship. I'm glad I didn't rush into things before I was ready. And I'm glad to be socially awkward and still a very childish adult.