Help with writing a letter?


I need help with writing this letter. Or at least someone to give me a jumpstart or something. This is REALLY important, because the person I’m giving it to is about to move away, possibly far away. I want to give them this in person before they go. I want her to know how much she has helped me.

I have anxiety. It can get pretty bad sometimes too. I actually passed out once from it. Not a whole lot of people understand it though. Some people think I’m sick, or faking it to get attention. There was one woman who actually told me that to my face. There are few people who actually understand or try to.
There is this woman who goes to my church. She has been going there as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, she helped out some in the kid’s ministry. She also held a clogging class which I took. I was also in a church play she helped direct. So yeah, I’ve kind of known her before my Mom got sick.
My Mom is supposedly diagnosed with some form of Thyroid disorder or possibly Limes Disease. I’m not really sure. I’m not good with the names of things like that and stuff. Anyway, it makes her unable to do some things, so this woman volunteered to help her out and take me and my sister to this homeschool Co-op at our church. She also offered to teach me Math and English along with Sarah (her niece that is living with her) and another girl, McKayla. She also would drive me and the other girls to the kid’s program on Wednesday nights.
She has helped my Mom out a lot, as well as me. When I get anxiety or panic attacks, she is there for me. I can go to her and she will help me through it. Sometimes she can see one coming before I do. She loves me a lot, and I finally got the courage to tell her that I love her back just recently. I have a hard time talking to other people, let alone saying things like that. I’ve been able to text or call when I needed her. I can’t really express how much she has done for me. She has a perfect example of Christ in my life, which has strengthened my faith. She has taught me a lot, and she has talked me through a lot anxiety and panic attacks. She has encouraged me and inspired me to become a better Christian. Sorry if I get a little too “religious” but I can’t help it. She has done so much for me, and I just want her to know some of these things before they move. Who knows how long it will be before I see any of them again, if at all?
I tried to tell her once, but not much came out. I basically just said thank you and finally said that I loved her too. But that was it. I was really emotional though, which may not have helped. I want to write her a letter or something, so I can get everything out that I want to say.
I was wondering if anyone could help me or give me a jumpstart or something. I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t really know how to start. Especially the greeting. I don’t know whether to use Dear, or just her name, or Miss or Mrs. or whatever. I know this probably sounds ridiculous to you, but this is kind of an issue for me right now. Thanks.

asked April 9, 2014

2 Answers

Well, you can start the letter by how you usually address her. Then depending on how detail you want it to be, start writing about your gratitude you have towards her. If it is all too much, write in point form as a draft first then expand it into the letter. End it with means of contact by phone or by mail will help.No need to feel stress out by how it came out. I'm sure she will understand your sincerity and be happy you did it. All the best (:
Just relax and write from your heart. Let the words flow. You can always go back and edit it later. I would suggest telling her some things that you basically told us here - what she's done for you and how much those things mean to you and how she's been such a positive influence in your life. No need to make it overly formal. Just be real.