Help Finding a Friend


I’ve spent a lot of time looking for a friend, but I’m still having trouble finding one. I just want to look for a person who can take me seriously, but I can joke with too. How can I find someone who will listen? I’ve tried my entire school (it may seem unlikely, but it’s small. My grade is the biggest, and we only have about 90 kids), and I have troubles getting out often. Thank you to anyone who helps.

asked August 13, 2014

1 Answer

I'm also someone that typically has a hard time making friends. But I've been lucky enough to make a few very good ones in my life. I do think it requires a bit of luck, and it often feels a bit random. Your best friends will probably be ones that you don't try too hard to make friends with-- people you fall into a group with and people who love it when you just act like yourself.

I know this isn't great advice for somebody who feels like they need a friend. But I don't know how to give you advice that's any better. For now, I know there are many wonderful people on this website and in the world that will help and support you. Good luck!