Help asking a girl out


I would like some help from both sexes on this, I am Ben and I am 15. I am going to ask a girl out or at least I would like to, she is my chemistry partner and I also know where her locker is. She might like me, but that is not why I am here. And also I know where her homeroom, but any ideas where I should ask her out or take her on the first date? Next how do I get my confidence up and ask her out and just when should I do it and how? Finally, for girls what do you like when a guy asks you out?

Category: asked March 4, 2014

4 Answers

My boyfriend was straight with me in regards to his feelings, we're separated by distance currently but I guess this advice can apply to you. Tell her you like her and you'd like to take her out, I like it when people are honest with feelings. I think bowling or a movie is a nice first date, my current boyfriend and I saw a movie and went out for a meal for our first date, it was perfect. Ask her out wherever you feel comfortable, the location isn't important. Go for it. If she says yes, you have a girlfriend, if she says no, you've lost nothing and there'll be other girls. Good luck. :)
confidance and please dont worry
I tried a similar thing for a homecoming down back in September and she got away before I could give her the card and I just do not like that method, sorry, no go.
I know that my fiancé's little sister (age 15) got asked out by the boy having his and her friends give her pieces of paper throughout the day, each piece had one word on it (Will - You - Go - Out - With -Me?) and the last one he gave to her at the end of the day. I thought that was super cute.Ideas: Movie then dinner, that way you have something to talk about at dinner and it's not awkward. Coffee (if you both like it) Ask if she would like to be study partners for the class. My favourite date was having my fiancé try to teach me how to play baseball.Just be confident and don't worry.