having children


i have a big problem and not sure the best way to go about dealing with it. i have two kids who are 12 and 9 me and the mum broke up many years ago and it seems i have moved on but still hoping for her love to come back. any how i left and got my self with two other girls as i was not serious at the time but the sad part i got both pregnant at the same time which took me to a confuse state of mind. now only one out of the two girls kept the baby which sort of put me in shock as i was not ready to go down that line so one can same i ran and kept running .theirs more…

asked November 2, 2013

3 Answers

Sorry, but what's your question?
It sounds to me like you need to sit down and really evaluate what you're wanting in your life. You seem like a great person, but you need to be more careful when it comes to sex. Do you wear condoms? I'm sorry to hear about the one woman... About the baby.... But maybe you news to talk to her and find out why she had that done. Also, maybe you should talk to your ex... the one who you want back... and tell her how you feel. It doesn't hurt to try. I hope things go well for u. Contact me if you need anything. <3
thank you are we able to talk as that was just a bit of my problem