Hate myself for lying about something serious?


A few years ago, I lied to a few friends that I had been raped, when I had not. I’d been extremely depressed and self harming, and I told them this because I was trying to explain my pain, and felt as though I needed a legitimate reason or source for it, and that if I didn’t have one, they wouldn’t support or love me. I was only fourteen, and I’ve since confessed and apologized and made peace with the people I lied to, but I’ve struggled with myself about it ever since. I hate myself for taking others experience of pain and using it to my own advantage, for making their own claims to being abused seem less valid. I do not know how to forgive myself and move on from this. I feel as though I deserve all the depression and pain I’ve had because of it, and I don’t know how to stop feeling like I deserve to hurt or die because of it. It is not the source of my depression, but it is causing me to feel like I deserve my depression. It was an awful thing to do, and I don’t know how to live with myself. I was young and ignorant and selfish, but I knew better. I’ve grown up since and I haven’t lied since then, but I still don’t know how to forgive or live with myself-any advice as to how to deal with this would be appreciated.

Category: Tags: asked June 7, 2013

2 Answers

we all do and say dumb things when we are young.....and growing up means moving on....out the past behind....you need to look ahead not behind ......you made your peace with thoes you told, so why not with yourself?...let it go.....stop beating yourself up over it. geeze... and if you wish to see some good in all that, well, you have not told a lie since then. Your ahead already. Most people screw up and never learn anything . You however did learn from the experiance, you have become a better person.....a wiser person, you have this chance to run with that ...to move on...lesson learned, chapter closed. Now, put on your sassy pants and keep moving forward.
I hope Gail ment to type " a person should NOT have to beg for attention."