Hate my career want to go back to school.


I have an associate degree in criminal justice and I work in the field, I am a private investigator, and prior to that I was working as an officer. I am 22 years old and I can’t help but feel after 4 years now or so that I just hate this field of work. I want to go back to school but I feel financially burdened if I would do so. I need advice.

Category: Tags: asked August 4, 2014

3 Answers

Go to a community college or state school! I wish I had made that decision in the beginning, but I was young and stupid. It's much cheaper -- particularly CC, but definitely worth it. If you wanted to do a four year program, you could definitely start at a CC and then transfer. They're very good at helping with finances, and as long as you continue to work throughout your education (even if you don't remain in your field), you should be okay. Loans suck, but sometimes they're necessary. Your education is an investment, and the deferment period is VERY helpful.
I am in the same exact situation as you! After two years in my current job I realized it totally isn't the job for me... and I'm 22. I have loans I still haven't paid off from previous schooling but you know what... I don't want to be miserable in a job I hate and I'm sick of wasting time.. We have our whole lives to pay off loans, I'd rather be in a job I'm happy in paying them off because that seems like it will make it worth my while... Don't waste your life wishing though, if you want to talk about it I'm here for you :)
Maybe there's a study available where you can study and work at the same time. So you can study and still get payed =)