Has any one had a deviated septum corrected


Just wondering about your experience,if you have had a deviated septum correction operation (thats a mouth full )a little like Peter Piper picked a pickle pepper or .how the rest of it goes lol.
I had my operation a little while back now,Id say around 2 years ago.It was done because I want breathing the way you should out of your nose due to my septum being like id been badly bashed up which is strange,as nothing like that has ever happened,nor have I ever had a broken nose,plus to look at my nose there isnt anything wrong on the out side,where some people have very crocked noses or have had it broken that’s why the septum gets bent out of shape.

My surgeon said it was the worse septum he had ever seen and operated on..But all went well.It should have helped some what with snoring as well,no promises it would.
Forget the snoring ,as is till do it lol ,but I’m finding now that I feel much the same as I did before the operation.
I was told I could go through this again but wouldn’t be sure if it would help much as all seems lovely in side my nose,every thing the way it should be.
So to me it is a waste of time, anesthetic to my body and it was not a pleasant experience with the issues after the operation,so i want go through it again.

But I’m asking if any one else has had this operation done ,how long ago and how are things now for you.
Thanks :-)

asked June 2, 2013

1 Answer

I had a similar surgery done because I basically couldn't breathe out of one side of my nose at all..it was blocked. I had the surgery last sept and honestly I don't really feel a huge difference. I guess a little better but not as much as I hoped. :/. I did have some issues after with pain and its scary getting put to sleep and all so I don't think I would wanna do again either. It sucks cuz you think it will help you and they say it will or should and doesn't.