Great personality, Ugly looks


My greatest asset is my personality, unfortunately I don’t have the looks to go with it, so I never get approached much by guys. Whenever I meet someone online, however, and they don’t have my picture they always end up being really interested in me based on my personality and always assume I’m really good looking…and then they’re in for a surprise when they see what I look like. I hate that I can’t seem to meet people unless it’s online :/ I’d appreciate any and all advice. Thank you all in advance!

Category: asked November 1, 2014

3 Answers

okay, i really do understand where you're coming from and i will only say this: good looks never last long. i mean, do you really want to be in a relationship based solely on one's physical attributes? it seems pretty sad to me, and that's why you shouldn't believe in any mentality that most people have these days. you do yourself and attract people based purely on the air that you carry and you'll realise how much more rewarding it is to have someone like you for that. good personalities have become so rare these days so you're in for a unique ride.
If you have an amazing personality you'll always be more beautiful then a girl with a pretty face but with an ugly heart.
I know how you feel (I'm a guy, though) - I've often been told that I have a great personality, but no girl would look twice at me because I'm not 'hot' or 'cute' or whatever. And yes, it sucks, and I hate it. I'm always told that "personality is more important", but nobody seems to actually think that. Anyway, the advice I've been given is to just try not to let it bother you, and to only bother with the people who appreciate you for you. Not very helpful, I know, but it's the best I've got :/On another note, this 'q.werty' guy needs to pull his head in and stop abusing everybody. I'm getting really sick of seeing him all over the site.