Girls only: period trouble!


I’m usually the one to help answer questions but today, I need some help! I recently got my first period and it’s been almost 2 months. I haven’t gotten my second one and I was wondering if it was normal to miss it by this much?! I mean 2 monts is a long time

Category: Tags: asked August 4, 2013

5 Answers

How old are you? If your early teens then give it time. Your body might need to sync up. If your late teens then maybe see a GO.
If you recently got your first one then try not to worry about it. The first year can be quite irregular. I had the same thing. I went 3 months between my first and second period. Also stress can cause delay in periods so if you are stressing out about it then that could be playing a factor.
When you first get your period, you honestly don't need to worry about going 1 or 2 months without it. Your body can take up to three years to completely have a running cycle so you get it every 28 days. Don't worry honey, you're finel (:
Not to freak you out or anything, but I have a friend who wouldn't get it for like 6 months at a time! She ended up finding out she has an ovarian cyst. Don't freak out about it. It takes a while to get a cycle going. Also now that you have your period you can get pregnant so whenever you have sex, you have to have your partner wear a condom at all times! Trust me, it is very easy for young girls to get pregnant.
Don't worry all is ok. Just about every girl who just starts has missed months,weeks etc, also regardless of age they start,Its normal.
Just make sure you keep something handy in your purse with you at all times ,as sometimes you may not know when they will come and other times you may have signs like cramps ,or a little discharge before hand,but not always though.
Welcome to womanhood! :-)