Frustrated at myself, advice.


There’s this guy I used to like and was really making progress in getting over him. We never had the opportunity to talk and so I accepted the fact that even though we worked at the same place, we probably weren’t going to speak again. So, like I said I was getting over him…until recently we spoke again. It was simple conversation and even so I began to develop feelings for him again. I’m very frustrated at myself, because I was pretty miserable liking him the first time. It was so difficult to move on and now I’m just confused and frustrated. Any advice on what I should do? Thanks

Category: Tags: asked October 22, 2013

4 Answers

I'm not sure what it is you like about this guy, but it seems that you two didn't do more than talk. So whatever feelings you have for him can only be based on the impression you got from those conversations. There could be a lot wrong with him that you wouldn't know from casual conversations at work, maybe he's a momma's boy, or maybe he's really mean to his girlfriends (whatever), it doesn't really matter, the thing you want to keep in perspective, is that you don't have the whole story yet. The feelings you do have are probably based more on what you're hoping he's like, what you'd be hoping to find in any romantic prospect. It's likely that since you two work together there will probably be more casual conversations. In order to protect yourself from falling back into having strong feelings again would be to get out on your own a bit, maybe find a new guy. Even if you just want someone to date casually, taking your mind off this guy might help you get better perspective on the situation. Plus, in my experience as soon as you're dating someone new, then everyone else becomes interested all of a sudden. Hope this helps. Good luck!
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Hm, I've been in the same situation even though i met be a bit younger than you. I see the guy constantly at school and it's like my mind doesn't let me get over him, if that makes sense. You could always ignore him if you don't want to develop anymore feelings for him? Distant yourself from him. Think about other things.
It sounds like you haven't talked much and don't know each other all that well. Why don't you talk more and see where it goes? Maybe meet with him after work to hang out. Who knows, maybe he will like you too once he gets to now you better. You'll never know unless you try.
Ask him out... find out even more! Your feelings wont change as you've plainly seen, so why not let him break your heart? If you've never had one -- you're not living!