Friendship done or keep it going?


Am i wrong for ending a relationship because of how insensitive and disrespectful she is towards people? When i met her she was nice and all but her true colors shows whenever we would go out to the movies (etc), always saying rude comments right in front of the people shes commenting about and it always seemed she was trying to pick a fight and complaining and being a total drama queen about everything, every time our friends would just hang out whether in school or out….So right for ending the friendship or wrong for just not being like her and thinking differently?

Category: Tags: asked May 30, 2014

3 Answers

You don't necessarily have to end a friendship - don't go burning bridges because you may need them to cross the river one day and all that stuff. But that doesn't mean you have to be her very best friend and hang out with her all the time. Or you could even try voicing your feelings. Be a positive influence - let her know when she says something that seems wrong to you. Friendships can survive bruised egos, but there's no reason to walk away without first trying to communicate...
I have voiced my opinion on how she treats people, and she just doesn't seem to get it. Her personality is very cocky and just well...out for herself and no one else...My best friend I've known for 15 years now was part of our friend group before she moved to Texas like 9 years ago has even noticed when she came to visit, she's...just....bad news... My mom says shes a bad influence too so...
I think it's fine if you ended your friendship with her for a good reason. But, maybe if you could try a little bit to change her, and she could change, you don't have to end your friendship.