friend wants to date this girl who is awful to him


My friend likes this girl. And she is just an awful person. She attacks him, belittles him and just makes him feel like an awful person by just doing anything. And he complains to me about this all the time. And he wants to date her. I know I can’t stop him from dating who he wants but she’s just so horrible to him. I dunno I just need to get this off my chest I guess? I never used this site before.

Category: asked July 2, 2013

2 Answers

If he likes a girl who doesn't treat him well, it may be a sign of his own insecurities. I know it's difficult knowing you can't really stop your friend from dating this girl, but there's always a possibility that he may date her and realize how damaging she is to him. If that's not the case, be honest with him and tell him you're not this girls biggest fan. But don't just tell him this - back it up. Give him examples of ways in which she is treating him poorly. Give him your perspective. Let him know that you care about him and don't want to see him getting treated any less than he deserves.
The one thing you need to understand is that in the end, it is ultimately his decision whether he wants to date her or not. You have the right to tell him how you feel, but don't tell him what he should or shouldn't do. And from the way that it sounds, if he does decide to go out with her, something bad will go in the relationship, they'll break up, and he'll learn from his mistakes which he will apply to future. Or, hey, maybe she'll become a nicer person! The big thing to just remember is that it's his life and if he wants to date her, let him. Be the good friend you are and just remind him you're there for him! Hope I helped, message me if you need! xoxo - Darling Alice