For a matter of interest


For a matter of interest,how long has BH been around?
Has much changed since it started?

I believe this place is a great idea! yes… at times it can be a little much with some people thinking no one else is right only they are ,or you upset some one by simply saying how its is,but we are not clones, not experts, even though some do have more experience than others,may be because of what they have been through.But its good to be able to help others in some way and its nice when you are told you have done so.Plus if you need to vent or have some one to chat with,it can be a help having some one,as there are many out there that dont have any one to talk to ,or who will listen to when need be.
So to every one out there in blahtherapy land, keep on coming here we all need you for some reason or another.

asked June 1, 2013

1 Answer

At the very bottom of the page, there's a little "About" Blahtherapy has been around since 2010. As I've not been here that long, I don't know how it's changed, but there used to not be that "counter" up there. Also, when you looked at groups, they used to just be listed straight down in a list, but now they're all together. Plus, we now can add birthdays to our accounts! :) -Amanda