Firm Grip


Before you go on. Yes, this is about my ex. I know lots of girls whine and cry over a breakup, but honestly this situation is pretty bad. (Changing names) Jake and I dated for a good and strong almost two long years. It was my first REAL love. I’ve had “boyfriends” before. But eventually, I’d lose interest and leave them an go about my day like nothing happened. This one was so special. We were attached at the hip. And honetly, we liked it that way. I knew he loved me by the way he looked at me. And when we couldnt see eachother, we talked for hours on end. (Skype, phone, etc…) I had so much faith in him. I NEVER had any trust issues with jake. AT ALL. (he could of told me the sky was falling and I wouldn’t even doubt it for a second) he never lied. (I assume he had white lies, as in “oh yeah that looks great on you” or “no your homemade dinner was NOT burnt an delicious”) but he never cheated. Everything was so great (or as I thought) when he broke the news to me that he wanted to break up. I was blind sided. He did it in the worst way possible. He called me (with all of his friends in the background laughing and tellin him to “do it”) and said we were over. (I herd girls yelling his name in the background) when I got it in my brain that he was serious, I collapsed to the floor. I was devastated. I had so many questions and emotions running through my head I couldn’t think straight. I was depressed for a couple months (lost a ton of weight an became unhealthy looking, lost friends) and no motivation to do anything. I eventually got better. I surrounded myself with some positive people and it seemed like it was my whole outlook on life was turning around. That was about 2/12 years ago. Problem is, everyday since we broke up he hasn’t left my mind. I replay scenarios in my head, wonder what he doing, day dream of him like nothing bee happened. But honestly, I just want him to go away. (Of course I’ve gotten answers like “just don’t think about it”) but I don’t mean to. For example, something someone said would trigger a flashback him and I had. Or sometimes I’ll be in the middle of a conversation. And BAM he’s on my mind. It’s not so much in the day, hut when I lay down at night he’s all I can think about. I just don’t know how to move on without king cold turkey. Help. Please?

Category: asked April 24, 2013

1 Answer

I think that you're suffering from a lack of closure. In these 2 1/2 years since you broke up have you ever confronted him and really just talked about the "why" of the break up? If you haven't, I hope you do and get your closure. If you have, and this is still the problem then I suggest going to a secluded place scream your frustrations out and tell yourself that if you do not forget about him that you may grow old alone, because of your obsession.