Feeling lonely


I study music and I do enjoy it, but when am alone, mostly at night I feel so lonely. I don’t know why, I mean it’s weird, I try not to feel it and do other things to keep my mind active, but i feel like the more lonely i feel the worse it gets.

asked March 28, 2014

4 Answers

i love music too. its helped me through the roughest of times and through some lonely nights but of course, nothing beats human companionship sometimes. recently i've filled my nights with books and music and writing my ramblings down in my journal and yet im still not completely content. if you ever want to talk, im here to listen!
Music is something that I love. Whenever I am feeling lonely, I play something. It helps soothe my mind. Music is with you wherever you go and it's sort of like someone is accompanying you. Just know that you are never alone because there is always something that will guide you.
Music is a guide. It is the guide to everything, everyone can relate. Every song and its lyrics has its own meaning as you know. Let music guide you, like the wind. It will guide you and soon others will follow. Count me in :)
Music is dependent on your mood. Happy you usually listen to the beat, sad you listen to the words. In my opinion, music helps the soul. Sometimes when I am in a certain mood, I'll go to Pandora or whatever music app and listen to today's country, today's pop. Just depending on my mood. When I am sad, I know I need to cry, so I listen to songs that help. They say that tears are cleansing. Here to talk if you need anything.