Feeling kind of sucidel


I really don’t see any other way, and I just want someone to talk me out of it

Category: asked January 15, 2014

7 Answers

id say use distractions, go on a hike or a run, play music, write, take a bath, light a candle, read a book, smoke some pot (it can be very opening and awakening), do art, read, meditate, listen to music, volunteer somewhere, talk to a friend, spend time with a fun sibling, take a shower, etc! there are many ways to change your thought process. just be committed to happiness and it will come to you!
Sometimes the world gives you a really shitty hand, but suicide is never the answer. And yeah, right then in the moment it's hard to imagine being in another place, but it does get better. You just have to hang on until you get there again.

Do things that makes you happy. Take up a hobby if you don't have one, giving you something to look forward to. Surround yourself with family and friends, sometimes just being there is enough to help, if you don't feel ready to tell them how you feel yet. If things are serious, go seek help. The schools counselor, a therapist. It's not an option you really want to consider, but they are there to help.

It takes strength to not give up, and continue fighting even when everything is against you, even when you don't feel like fighting for yourself.

But more than anything, your attitude is important as well. If you believe you can do it, then you will succeed.

I wish you the best of luck getting out of this, and if you ever feel the need to talk to someone (that is not a pro), I'm here to listen. Hope this was of any help whatsoever.
Please don't be suicidal, this world has so much to offer you. I have no idea why you want to be suicidal but just please don't. You only have one life, so why waste it on something ridiculous? If you're being bullied, don't listen to them, they're not worth taking your life. They're just stupid people that have nothing else better to do with their lives. Focus on the people that care about you, you were meant to live this life, don't give it up. Wow, that was cheesy but I don't care.
I'm going to sound overused, because it is, but...You are too good to die. I might now know you personally, but it's never okay when someone feels the need to kill themselves. I know that life isn't easy and trying to convince someone to choose the other route is easier said then done. I don't at all know you. But you do have something to live for, okay? Whether you choose to live for the people you love or jusg for yourself, you need to believe that choosing to live, to keep fighting, to keep surviving, is strength. I cannot say, "Don't do it," because who knows what you're dealing with? But I can honestly say that things will get better if you allow it to. If you're reading this, just keep surviving.
Suicide is not an option. Talking to a therapist or a doctor is a really great idea, in fact anything other than suicide is a great idea. One easy thing you could do is post a long rant about why you don't want to live anymore, on here, your anonymous and people's responses, getting someone else's perspective might help you through your troubles. In the mean time slog through the bad parts and really appreciate the great and beautiful things that you get to experience in ur life.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St5tz4Pxdhshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQWDz6slq_khttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSH3Q6O_7w8http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUEy8nZvpdMhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6X3w8ar1MYListen to these.. maybe they'll help. You're loved, and God has great plans for your life. Even though it may not seem that way. Praying for you, Savedbygrace
God made you for a reason. You are BEAUTIFUL. Why go through this all this pain these humans put you through & give up. You are way stronger than you think. Keep your head up baby girl. It is NOT worth it don't let your enemy win. You are way better than that. Harming yourself, Killing yourself is just showing everyone that's in your state that killing yourself is the answer & It isn't. Don't do it ! Remember your gorgeous ! Those humans can't do nothing too you. You are better than them ! Jesus loves you baby girl & I do too !