Feel so bad


I’ve had a heart attack. Lying in a hospital now. Almost in constant pain.
Doctor told my friend, I have maybe few days.
So scared to die. Want to live, I don’t know what to do. But if this happens, I want to say goodbye to everyone.
Amantha, 20 years old.

Category: asked August 26, 2013

4 Answers

Amantha, I want you to take me serious with what I am about to say here. I know what it's like to die, and it is actually quite comforting. First you'll feel slightly confused and tired, more relaxed than you've ever known. Then you'll feel a pressure on your diaphragm and a warmth run from your toes to your head. You'll feel your eyes close naturally as your vision fades into a spiral of geometric patterns until you're enveloped in a great, bright, comforting light. Your memories will fade in and out of the light, and you'll know that your life was not worthless. I wish you all the best, but I hope you can take some comfort in this.
Stretchaleen, please, explain, how do you know?
It really isn't as confusing as you're going to think it is....death is the one most certain thing in any living things life...It will feel a lot like the one most comforting thing in the world because its the only thing that will for sure happen to you. Take a deep breath, tell yourself and your family/friends that you're not afraid and let it happen when the time is right. Let yourself smile in the end because though your life wasn't long, the people you care about were there in the end and thats what our life is...the love around us.
Tell everyone you love them. You don't know this for sure. Your life is worth living. I wish you all the best