extreme fear of rejection


I have an extreme fear of rejection, to the point where i sorta isolate myself. I’m scared to talk to new groups of people due to being scared they won’t like me. Also, my birthday is coming up, i even thought of cancelling the event purely because i’m scared no one will show up with presents. I actually don’t care about presents or not, it will just make me look like a really sad/rejected person without a single present since i’m holding a birthday dinner. If that happens, i think my anxiety will explode and i’ll run away in shame. I cant get these fears/thoughts out of my head. Help?

Category: Tags: asked April 1, 2015

1 Answer

Here's the thing, if you go up and talk to people (preferably people who are alone) they may think negatively of you. However, if you don't go up to people and talk to them they may also think negatively of you, so in the end it doesn't really matter. Even if you are rejected, so what? We are all forgotten eventually, you and I are no exception. Even when I type this I have the fear of being rejected or being wrong. However, if I am rejected or wrong I can look at this as a learning experience than a damaging failure in order to benefit myself and other users that follow. I read an article about what regrets people have on their deathbed. Number 1 was "I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me." Here's more info on that if you're interested: http://topinfopost.com/2014/05/12/top-5-regrets-people-make-on-their-deathbed