Emotionally dependent…..


I’m not normal. lol but who is right? I think differently from other people and i march to my own beat. i love it. i love being independent! i love being my own boss! Its something im soooo soo proud of. I like being able to make my own opinions and i like having to depend on myself. Im a rather indifferent kind of person. i dont let certain emotions get to me, especially the painful ones. but like every other person here i do deal with my emotional pain with physical pain. but thats another issue. the issue athand is that i’ve been with my boyfriend for a year and a half and i hate that im so dependent on him. i don’t vent to anyone except him, and he loves helping me, but i hate feeling so vulnerable and open with him but he’s the only one i talk to. i’m not good at opening up to people and well…i guess i’m wondering how i limit my dependency on him…i hate that im so reliant on him only because i feel like such a burden. i got lots of issues…issues i wouldnt want my worst enemy to deal with…i hate that i have to be such a burden on him….what do i do?????????

Category: Tags: asked April 28, 2014

3 Answers

If he has been listening to you all this time and continues to want to help you then you are not a burden to him. Needing to get help from others is a natural human feeling. It is a good and healthy thing to open up to people, especially your significant other. In order to keep a healthy relationship you have to open up to each other and vocalize your problems and work them out together. A relationship is a team effort. You cannot always just rely on yourself, or you will not truly get to know yourself and others.
Being open with him isn't bad, but I've been in the same situation. I've been with the same boy for two and a half years, and we broke up back in August for a little while. In that time, I had no one to talk to because I only ever went to him with my problems. It's not bad to be emotionally dependent, and I cannot blame you(I was in the same boat), but all I can say is that you should heavily rely on your friends. Start spending more time with them and depend on them more. Have healthy friendships and be there for each other. You will feel better, it only takes time. But don't isolate yourself in your relationship.
A relationship is (ideally) two fully independent individuals mutually interdepending on one another and sharing their burdens in such a way that both are better for it and are not as weighed down.

There is nothing wrong with independence, there is nothing wrong with making certain that in case it doesn't work out with your boyfriend that you're taken care of, but at the same time, what will you do if you are injured, stricken ill? You will need someone to care for you, someone to willingly step forward and choose to care for you, someone you can rely on.

Don't view dependency as such an inherently negative thing. You rely on other professionals for a service, you don't cut your own wood or craft your own furniture, so to a great degree, you are VERY reliant on other people. Take a step back from your own perspective and try to see what is truly bothering you. Your boyfriend loves you and helps you, that is not a bad thing.

if you are worried about not having someone to vent to if things go south with him, then practice talking to other people. The rule of thumb is that if you are not happy and want to be, change something.

As for your self-harm, self-harming is no good way to handle your problems. What you are really after is a sensation of release so that you can calm down. You don't have to to hurt yourself to help yourself, that irony is also contradictory.

Challenge your deepest beliefs and see how well they hold up to scrutiny.