Does it ever stop?


I’m exhausted, and I can’t focus, or get anything done, I stress CONSTANTLY about my schoolwork which is getting progressively more difficult to understand and concentrate on. I have difficulty sleeping at night, almost always have a headache, have had minor contemplations of suicide, and I just want to know if if goes away- if it stops; gets better…. Is there anything I can do to just wake up from this? Because it’s dark and it hurts…. help.

Category: asked January 31, 2014

4 Answers

I have felt like this before. I know, it's scary, and sometimes you can get a little shaken over very small things. But the best thing you can do is not jump off a bridge and it will all go away. Don't even contemplate that thought. It could only end badly. The best thing you can do is go to a counselor or psychologist and get evaluated and seek help. Just keep pushing through it. Because, yes, it does stop. You just have to give it time and be patient. With all love, please love yourself. Be careful, and stay strong.
You're experiencing burnout. You need to do something relaxing to let off the stress and recharge your batteries. Think about it; you're basically contemplating suicide over schoolwork.

Talk to your parents about how severe your stress is getting, tell them that you need to do something relaxing and ask for their help. If some R&R doesn't help, then it may be prudent to consult a counselor or see a therapist.
I'm in the same exact boat :(
@HelpingPerson: Thank you.