Does he miss me or miss talking to someone?


Me and my ex have a good relationship after our breakup. When we had ended things I was going through a tough time because I was unemployed for a while, and I would go to him because he’s the only honest person that I know and can trust. And he does care about me a lot so its no problem. Well recently he’s been contacting me multiple times in a day like when we were together. Mostly rambling of his day and etc. I know he misses me but does he miss me or miss having someone to talk to. And is there any chance in hell he could want to get back together

Category: Tags: asked August 13, 2015

3 Answers

I'm in a similar situation and well its really hard to find someone you can imagine you're self with. Is he older than you , give more details, all I can say is go with you're instinct and listen to you're self actually speak because maybe you might be overthinking it and that isn't how you truly feel. Can you tell him you miss him. As for me I attend school and sometimes I feel like I impacted lives through my discussions, and I feel like people are calling my name, but off course those are just mutual relationships, but still I would like to date some of my female classmates but dont, in my head I think about it, but then when the class is over im too shy and I feel ashamed about it afterwards, but I dont know usually most girls just want sex . but with me im looking for something more in a relationship. i dont know if I connected with you.
It's hard to know what to say in this situation, as every person can be unique. However in my experience, if it is someone that you are on good terms with and they continue talking to you after a break up, it might more likely mean that they are just so used to talking to you, they don't know how to communicate in those terms (or at that level) with anyone else. He could just be so used to that lifestyle that he continues to follow it, and you're left wondering of his real motivations. I assume with the way that you ended your post that you still have some feelings for him or want to try and get back together. For that part, it depends on who ended the relationship I think. You might have to ask yourself why you really broke up in the first place, if it was something you couldn't handle or if he just wasn't into the relationship anymore. If you can come to terms with the reason and think that there still may be some mutual feelings between you two, then you can ask him if he's okay with going on a date (to start things off slowly, or ease yourself back into that relationship). If you don't think he would go for it, or you are rejected, then it might be the healthiest thing to spend some time away from him and try and meet other people.
So why not just ask?