Does God exist?


I don’t think it’s one of those religious questions, I just need to know if He really exists.
I’m 30 and in my childhood I’ve been taught to treat others how I would like to be treated by others. I grew up trying my best to be nice to everyone and some people throughout my early 20s complimented me for my kindness towards others and told me “all your kindness will one day come back and prize you”. I didn’t think over those words too much, I initially gave them no importance until I met my ex. I don’t know why I started dating him, maybe because I was curious about love (I’ve never had a boyfriend before him) and convinced myself I loved him, or maybe I actually did, but in all 8 years we spent together he cheated on me several times, I’ve always forgiven him, he made me promises he would not keep, I’d do anything he would tell me. We lived together a year and a half in which he would smoke marijuana or drink beer or wine all the time. He cheated on me with his best friends’ girlfriend (mother of a 7 year old) and in those years I thought all that “kindness” I gave turned into evil towards me.
I left him after 8 years. Avery short while after (a few weeks) I met my current boyfriend. He’s exactly everything I’ve always wanted in a man. He made me relax so much and gave me peace I haven’t seen in years. No words can explain how happy I am to have him. And his parents are very nice too, his mother is very religious and kind. Today we were talking about this guy that’s dying in the hospital, talking about his not very nice past and she told me “what goes around comes around, remember that if you’re kind to others, all your kindness will one day come back and prize you”
I’m pretty sure my prize was meeting my current boyfriend.
So, back to my question: is it really God who makes this kind of stuff happen?

Category: Tags: asked June 12, 2013

6 Answers

I am personally a Christian and even I can tell you that no one can simply ask 'Does God exist?' and expect to get a good answer. I believe it is up to you and whether you truely believe in your heart or not as to whether he exist. Would I say he exist? Of course I would! I have felt the power of God before and it was the best feeling in the world! It's extremely powerful and overall breathtaking. But the next person could just as easily tell you he doesn't exist because it's just not what they believe.
This doesnt answer your original question, in fact it doesn't answer any, but there is a large group of good people that never receive any good? Who can sods law be blamed on?
We cannot know. The nature of such a religion makes a hypothesis that cannot be proven or dis-proven, which I have a definite problem with. The default position seems to be YES for so many to the point where many refuse to actually acknowledge evidence that points to the contrary.

By the way, I see WAY more tenants of Buddhism, Taoism or even Hinduism in what you have described. The idea of karma and karma balance is not really found in Christianity, where Buddha claims that goodness and fairness pays of in the universe; Taoism claiming that the Tao, or the Way is the ultimate means of life in that all things end in goodness for those follwing; Hinduism preaches reincarnation to a inversely difficult position in life, and thus a fairness and acceptance of one's circumstance. The God of the Old/New Testament isn't really about that; he mostly says obey and live forever in eternal paradise.... or burn.

The easy answer I can give you is probably not. There is no solid, verifiable and reliable evidence that backs up a God.
To me I see religions as social support and a means of answering questions that we wouldn't know the answer to otherwise such as why do we exist, where did we come from, what happens when a person dies etc. I personally don't believe in a thing we coin as 'karma' I mean any person has flaws and has had good and bad things that happened to them, call it chance call it fate call it whatever you want but it's bound to happen to any individual here on this earth. Personally, I don't believe in a God simply because if I did I couldn't study neurology. Science is based on physical and measureable ideals and obviously to measure an intelligent non-physical being would be impossible. Honestly, you can believe whatever you want, there is no right or wrong answer or absolute truth, just what you want to deem as true. If it gives you more assurance that some intelligent being is responsible for everyone and their actions and consequences then so be it, if not, hey there's nothing wrong with that either. Again it's a question you have to answer for yourself since people are going to give you a plethora of possibilities and reasons.
As a Roman Catholic I was taught that whatever happens in our lives God takes a part in it. Whether it be the blessing of someone to love us or a trial to teach us a lesson. Perhaps the lesson in your case was to be patient and to not rush into things. Now of course this is what I hold to be true judging from what has happened to me and family (something you can message me about if you want an elaboration). Of course I cannot offer any physical proof of the existence of God that science cannot contest ( or at least I don't think I can), but I will let my faith settle on my beliefs. Whether you will do the same is up to you.
This is a long response sorry,but wanted to give my input here.As I am a Christian my self and as a child didnt know of God,but was just told of him,it took my Father to die when I was just 8 years old to start to wonder a little more about his existence,his plan for us.I have had experiences which are very personal to me and can tell you that God does exist and so Does his son Jesus Christ.Some will say the universe just so happened to appear ,some will say that if there was a God he wouldn't allow some of the awful things in live we see,the pain we suffer,etc. And has their choices of doing good and bad and then others suffer because of this.god can be there for us,sustain us,and comfort us in those times. If we have faith in him and Jesus Christ one day we will see them,we will know of a better place because we can live there with him.I want to tell you of a couple of things from experiences 2 friends of mine had,and one friend of some one I know.A friend of mine many years back had a heart condition as was being operated on,during this prosecute he wandered why he flt this calm and peace and then saw some one .This some one he could describe as being peaceful and loving.He9my friend)was told to go back as you still have things to do.My friend,said t be a couple days later about this,but was told by the Doctors he had died and was gone 3 minutes before they could bring him back. My friend lived on another 3 years to be able to accomplish some work he started for his family regarding his family heritage.Now.. The other friend. Had an accident in which they also felt peace and saw a man with such such kindness in their heart,as she said even though no words where spoken that it was like she was being spoken to buy not in words.She was told she will be alright and not to worry,and she was going to be alright. Which she was.Now the Third person.This lady was some one I didn't know but heard of,and wasn't a good person,was never nice to others,did things that were some what evil.Any ways...She was hit by a car one day and left on the road side and said that she found herself leaving her body but it wasn't a good experience.She felt no peace,no happiness no calmness.It seemed forever to her that she was in this state .But it was about 10 minutes when the ambulance came and resuscitated her.She then wondered why these feeling where so different to some she heard of,and wondered if it was because of her live she lived.She decided to change her life and be a better person as she didnt like the feeling she had while she had been laying on the road side. I believe that she was also was experiencing a near death experience like the 2 friends of mine but her life was in such a state that she was feeling what she would be when her time comes to pass this mortality and this is what would be her Hell if she didnt change her ways. I dont believe Hell is a place of fire and brimstone ,I believe it to be what you have made of your life while here and that will carry with you for eternity.We are here to gain a body and to be tested,to see if we will be good ,honest, non judgmental,love others and have Faith. Faith is probably what fails most people but if we have it, it truly does make a difference in our lives. Believe me! I know God is there I feel him every day But it take my effort too not just expecting things from him, I have to do my part first and he promises to help me if I do.