does anyone know how to recover from trauma?


i have a lot of trauma, coming from a lot of abuse from my dad. no one seems to know how to help. i’ve talked to doctors and therapists. they all think i have a mental illness. i feel very alone. i don’t know who to talk to about this. i try talking to my parents and people on here, but it just hurts so much. everything hurts so damn much and i don’t know what to do anymore. i don’t know where the trauma comes from. all of my memories are very buried. people tell me to stop complaining, stop whining, but i need help. if anyone knows anything about abuse or trauma, please help me. thank you for reading this and thank you for your time.

asked August 2, 2014

6 Answers

My mom always says if you have been through a shock that black tea with sugar is good. Hopefully this helps.
hey there :)

Yes, I've been abused too (by my dad too!) and I'm pretty sure I know what you're going through right now. The last thing you think you need is human interaction, because you think no one will understand, but trust me, human interaction is exactly what you need.

And I don't mean someone you can rant to, although yes that is EXTREMELY therapeutic (if you need someone please feel free to PM me), but as for people around you who might not understand what you're experiencing, just hang out with them as per normal. TRUST ME it really takes your mind off of things.

With the right group of people (your friends'll be GREAT), you will once again feel like life is worth living and trudging through sh*t for. Get close to them, be in touch, and be amazed at how great just being around people who care feels.

As for an answer directly related to trauma, as I said feel free to PM me, but as of now, as someone who's had a pretty bad past, I can tell you that you'll never forget it or 'get over it'. It's just not possible. What DOES happen, though, is you learn to live with it. Only when you accept this can you be at peace with it; relative peace, anyway.

Listen, sweetheart, everyone's got scars and battle wounds, some worse than others, but everyone's got them. And everyone feels the same fear, pain, misery and loneliness on those nights the demons come out to play. You're NEVER alone. Honestly, I'd love to make friends with you, and don't worry about being whiny because I'm pretty sure I'm just as (if not more) whiny as you could possibly be! HAHA

In the meantime, please take this advice and go out and participate in life. I'm not saying it's going to be easy (it definitely won't), and you're going to dread it before it happens, and just before it starts, but if you make the conscious effort to put that heavy feeling aside and throw yourself into whatever activity it is you're doing, trust me honey you are going to feel ALIVE. Like you own the world again.

I'm sorry you had to go through this, it's obviously something that is constantly on your mind. overtime the trauma levels will go down, time has some awesome healing properties. but until then try to handle it the same way you would other smaller problems such as stress, etc. write it down or tell someone, my inbox is always open. best of luck :)
I will probably repeat myself numerous times on what I am about to say, but what helped me come to terms with things in my life; and confronting things I had tried to bury from my past, was sports. I feel like physical exercise is such a great outlet for anger and anxiety, not to mention that you make close friends who you can trust and confide in (it goes both ways). And when the going gets really tough, you can always use your new hobby as a distraction. There have been many times where I just didn't want to immediately deal with my problems and went for a run instead. I should mention that it doesn't have to be a sport (although I would suggest it). Any sort of hobby that gets you out of the house and focusing your energy on something else can ultimately help you with other areas of your life.
The thing about trauma is it's a part of you now, it shaped you into the person you are today, for the good and bad. The only way I dealt with my own personal trauma, some including my father as well, was facing it head on. I felt it, I went through the motions of grief, and I dealt with it...It's not easy, and it's something you have to deal with for the rest of your life. Finding a constructive outlet like the person above me said, something positive. When you are traumatized often mental illness follows, you may be depressed or angry because of the trauma. You shouldn't feel ashamed or upset they are trying to diagnose you with some form of mental illness. Often they can prescribe mild mood stabilizers or anti-depressants that can take the edge off the sadness and anger, of course they will never fix the problem but its a nice start. If you ever want to talk just let me know, hope I was some help.
hi there,Sorry for what you've gone through. It's very very very important to talk to someone about your trauma. There's something called EMDR. It's a method used for trauma recovering. A therapist will let you follow their finger when he/she is moving it from left to right in front of your eyes. Then you have to think about the trauma part. Eventually it will reduce your stress level when you're thinking about the trauma.You can also google PTSD. It's called a post traumatic stress disorder. Don't know of it sounds familiar to you. Few of the symptoms are nightmares, getting triggert by sounds etc, moodswings, depressed feeling, flashbacks etc.You can always talk to me when you feel the need. I've got PTSD too, so I probably kinda know how you feel. Please talk to someone, it's important. You can't do this on your own.Wish you all the luck.