Does age really matter?


I have been single for the past four years and I honestly haven’t been looking for anyone. I started realizing that maybe I am not the greatest person in the world. Myself esteem is so low at times that I can’t even look at myself in the mirror as I am getting ready to go to school. I have been though a lot in my life as I’m sure many other people have gone though worst but when I think of that I start to hate myself more. There are days when I am completely find with myself but it started to happen more when I started talking to my next door neighbor. I have been talking to him for awhile he moved next door to me close to a year ago when he started talking to me. I didn’t think much of it until we started to talk and hang out more and I started liking him a lot. This is new to me because I haven’t like someone in a long time. My last three boyfriends cheated on me and I sexually abuse by a friend of a friend. I started hating the world but my next door neighbor started making feel again. There is something about him that I like so much. He always showed me interested but I tried to push him away because I tend to do that. Ever since the sexual abuse I never wanted anyone close to me and I pushed away my neighbor for such a long time until recently when I hugged him. He was surprised I did that since I never stood to close to him. Well to get to the main point of this question is that he is 37 and I am 24. I say it doesn’t bother me but I think about it and I wonder what would he see in me and I know he kinda question it as well. He has told me that he has talked to his friend about is it werid to like someone so much younger then him. I like him a lot and it is nice to finally like someone again. someone that makes me feel like a person again but then I kinda question myself if I really did like him as much as I think I do why does his age always pop in my head.

Category: asked November 15, 2014

3 Answers

You are old enough for age to not be a problem. As long as you know what you are getting into there should be no problem. However just remember that he might not think the same thing. Just be careful as well not to charge headlong into a relationship straight away. It's hard for me to give useful relationship advice however sometimes if you haven't been without a partner in a long time and you think there might be a chance, you can be tricked into not thinking. Always try to take a step back before making a decision.
Personally, I dont think age matters to an extent. My parents, as well and alot of other members of my family have up to 10 year gaps in age, Love In my opinion is timeless and crosses boundaries. Its a connection between two entities in this huge plain of existence, it doesnt take notice of age, race, sexuality or any other way we are separated by society. His age keeps popping into your mind because its society that tells you you need to fall in love with someone in the same age group/ background. society works that way, love doesnt. :)
Love isn't determined by age. Of course people do think about the age and even though some say that age doesn't matter, it still pops in your head. However you're definitely old enough for your neighbor and I think that 13 years age difference is acceptable. There's nothing wrong with being into someone who's 13 years older. I'm 23 and I've been with people before that were 10 years older. When you fall in love, you fall in love with the person and then everything else doesn't matter much like the age. I speak from experience because at some point I fell for someone who's 50, we never did anything with it though. My point is just that when you like someone, age isn't so important.