Do I need to get help?


I think I may be clinically depressed. I’m starting to leave things I love, distancing myself from people and every now and then have intense break downs for no reason. I’ve cut myself an have a hard time connectin with anybody but my dog. Do I need to get professional help? I’m scared it will only get worse.

asked August 14, 2014

2 Answers

You need someone to talk to and vent out your feelings and stress. if your in school (even college) you should see the guidance councelar. You need to talk and cry out to someone. You should seek professional help but if for any reason you cant you must talk to someone. Someone who can talk back, i know a dog is wonderful thing (ide go crazy myself without one) but you need to talk to a person. Someone who loves you very much but wont go crazy emotional.
i'm the same way sometimes, I have severe depression, but I caught light of what was most important to me and I try to overcome my disorder every single day. it doesn't help when you burst into tears for no apparent reason. you may need professional help, but coming on blahtherapy or just having friends to talk to about your problems will help you a lot! it may seem like it will get worse, but it only will if you don't try to change things now.