Do I have something wrong with me? Or am I just a little weird..?


Okay, so I’ve always been a very worrisome person. I tend to overthink things and always seem to never be able to make decisions, but lately I’ve been having really bad thoughts and worries. Like when I’m walking down the stairs I think or imagine what would happen if I fell down these stairs and break my neck and when someones driving, I think we’re going to crash and etc. I try to dismiss the thoughts like that but it’s always really hard to. So usually, I try to talk a lot to distract myself. My friend actually had to help me through a breakdown over almost nothing over messages because I just started crying and freaking out and thinking I was going to die and kept thinking everyone was angry with me. and then the next day, I was completely fine. I almost had exact same thing as that tonight but I managed to control myself. I’m really young to and I don’t know if theres something wrong with me or not. One of my friends said it might be anxiety but I’m not sure :/

Category: asked July 19, 2013

5 Answers

I can honestly say I can relate to you entirely. I'm 19 now but I've had those thoughts ongoing for the past 5 years or so. I don't relate it to anxiety though, before I figured it was of depression but now I've just come to the conclusion that I'm paranoid and it's okay you know? It's not so bad to think about the 'what if' usually I can just break free from it and move on. I can relate to the sadness and happiness in one day and I swore that I was bi-polar but I just think I was overthinking it. I don't think you have OCD or something of that caliber, probably some paranoia and perhaps anxiety but yeah I usually just tend to distract myself as well. It's just bad when I'm home alone or something but don't think you are crazy because I have also thought of pretty gruesome stuff. If you ever want to talk about it with me since I have personal experience with it feel free to message me anytime. Have a good one though.
Your friend might be right about the anxiety. My advice talk to your parents or (if your parents dismiss is it as an overactive imagination) a counselor. Professional help is always a good idea. It wont mean you're crazy or anything, but that you recognize you may have a problem and you want to put in the effort to fix it.
we are all just a little weird....your in good company :)
I think everyone has these thought and feeling. Just seems like yours is exacerbated. Don't think you are weird just learn and adapt to how you feel. If you feel like you can't then ask for help.
Thanks for all the answers guys!