Do i have any chance to go steady wiyh this boy?


I met him when i was 8-9 years old, but we became good friends around 5 years ago. Now i am 18, hebis 17. We study in the same school. I know him quite well..we talk 3-5 times a week (online). He is unexperienced, he haven’ t got a girlfriend yet. I already had 3 relationships. They weren’t so so long, but still. The boy is very shy bu i think i feel more thant just friendship. Aprox. a half year ago i invited him to come with me and see a movie at the ciname togrther because i had 2 free tickets, but he refused it and said something stupid just not to leave his home. He doesn’t like to go out from home. What can i do to catch his attention that i feel more than childy friendship?

Category: Tags: asked November 11, 2013

1 Answer

It's been a while since you invited him out. And you do talk regularly already, why don't you try to invite him out again? This time, it might be best to invite him out in a group of friends, or invite him to your house for dinner or to watch a movie or play games, something where you're not in such a "date" kind of environment. Being friends with someone can be very different from being in a relationship with them, especially if he's inexperienced so it' might take a lot of time an effort to get him to the point where he's ready to try a relationship with you. Also, he might not know exactly what he wants in a relationship yet. So I think you're best chance is, if you can get a little closer to him, just tell him that you think you might like him and you're curious as to whether there might be a connection there. Let him know that you're just interested in hanging out to see how things go, if they take a more serious turn that's cool and if not, that's cool too. Just don't put too much pressure on him because friends don't always make the best boyfriends anyway.
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